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Advisory Budget Committee Minutes 2009/10/08
Town of Sunapee, NH
Tuesday October 8, 2009
A meeting of the Budget Advisory Committee (the “BAC”) of the Town of Sunapee, NH, was held on
October 8, 2009 at 10:00 at the town offices meeting room.
Members Present:
Spec Bowers
Ken Myers
Shane Hastings
Rich Duperey
Also Present as guests were:
Donna Nashawaty, Town Manager
Members Absent:
Charlie Smith
Call to Order
Spec Bowers called the meeting to order 10:00am and Richard Duperey recorded the minutes. A quorum
of members was present, and the meeting, having been duly convened, was ready to proceed with
Old Business:
No old business was brought forth and discussed.
New Business:
Richard Duperey volunteered to be the Recording Secretary of the committee and was accepted
by the members.
A brief overview of the meeting and minutes process was provided by Donna Nashawaty.
First order of business was to elect a BAC chairperson for this budget season. Ken Myers
nominated Spec Bowers and was seconded by Shane Hastings. A vote was taken and Spec Bowers was
elected unanimously as chair.
Donna and Spec then provided a brief overview of the budget process and the timeline. There
was also an explanation of the state and county relationship to the town’s budget.
In preparation for the all-day BAC committee meeting schedule for November 6th 2009, it was
agreed to by the committee that a tour of some of the town facilities would be beneficial to the BAC
committee members. It was further agreed that the tour should include the Highway Department, the
Safety Center, the Transfer Station and the Town Library. Donna agreed to facilitate the schedule of
these tours on behalf of the BAC.
Donna excused herself from the meeting at 11:05am.
The BAC members reviewed briefly the format and structure of the municipal and school budgets
by reviewing last year’s budgeting materials. It was agreed by the committee members that copies of last
year’s materials would be beneficial to the newer member of the BAC. Rich agreed to borrow Spec’s
materials for last year and facilitate the making of copies for the new members.
There being no further business to come before the meeting, the meeting was adjourned at 11:25am.
Respectfully submitted,
Richard R Duperey, Recording Secretary